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Our Mining Tax Petition

Take Action: sign our petition calling for an increase to the Minerals Rent Resource Tax.

Australia is a country rich in natural resources. This sovereign wealth belongs to the Australian people and should be used wisely for the benefit of our people.

Presently, our natural resources and the wealth created from them are being taken out of Australia by mainly foreign mining corporations, who dominate our economy and send billions in profits overseas.

The Australian mining sector has alarmingly reached 83% foreign ownership. In the next five years, foreign investors will take about $265 billion from Australia’s mineral resources.

Of this $265 billion, $50 billion will be sent overseas to the head offices of these multinationals.

On top of this the multinationals get away with paying minimum taxes whilst ordinary people’s taxes (PAYG) make up most of the government revenue.

We think the money raised from mining should be spent on services for the Australian people – in particular, education, healthcare, community services, public transport, and for developing environmentally sustainable agricultural and manufacturing industries and jobs.

We ask the House of Representatives to represent the interests of the vast majority of the people by implementing the original Resource Super Profits Tax of at least 40% of forecast profits so that an estimated $100 billion can be spent on the needs of the Australian people over the next decade – in particular, education, health care, community services, public transport and for developing environmentally sustainable agriculture and manufacturing industries and jobs.”

Click here to sign


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