Home Latest News Covid in prisons emergency

Covid in prisons emergency

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Covid_Prisons_B.jpg - 56.19 KBSpirit of Eureka NSW is supporting this initiative by Jailing Truths Exposed. We hope you will also do so, and help spread the word. We believe it is a critically important initiative to force change at a time when Covid will make lives of those in prisons nationwide more unbearable and dangerous than ever.

Jailing Truths Exposed is a 13,000 strong support network of family members of those in prison. It advocates on behalf of prisoners. It is also a source of information to educate the general public about the truth of the prison system.


Yours in solidarity,

Spirit of Eureka – NSW

Emergency call for Australia-wide action against Covid in prisons

As NSW and Victoria open up, we know that infections will explode, and eventually hit other states and territories.

Prisons will be one of the worst hit and – unless we are prepared – the terrible tactics imposed on those locked in will continue to break the UN Convention on Torture that Australia is signatory to. We allege this has been the case in some prisons, notably at least one corporate-run private prison in NSW.

Secrecy about scandalously low vaccination rates, lethal overcrowding, ignoring health guidelines, refusing information to family about the condition of prisoners with Covid, locking prisoners in for days on end without checking or treatment except Panadol and Melatonin, refusing them any contact with the outside world, and many more easily avoided abuses have resulted in trauma including hallucinations.

As people are released, the most vulnerable with be First Peoples and the very poor. Homelessness, which has for years faced many of those released from prison, will compound with overcrowded conditions and create a time bomb outside prison. Remoteness is no protection as outbreaks in NSW confirm.

The evidence for all this in NSW is clear.

We have seen what this has meant for our family members in prison.

There is still time to employ mitigating strategies which were suggested prior to the outbreaks in NSW and Victoria.

There are many groups and individuals like you that have worked for years to support those in prisons and to see real justice.

We urgently invite you and/or your organisation to add your name and attend a zoom meeting on Saturday 13 November at 2pm to launch Covid in Prisons Action Network (CIPAN) to decide key demands, publicity and support.

DRAFT Demands

  • Release children, and prisoners in the last year of their sentences
  • Dramatically increase vaccination rates in prisons
  • Ensure those released are funded to find safe housing and supported in transitioning to the community.
  • Adherence and accountability to UN conventions on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment that Australia is signatory to.

All organisations and individuals will maintain their independence and rights to raise other demands in work outside CIPAN.

But we must come together. Who else will fight for prisoners during this emerging crisis?

Yours for true justice,

Adele Graham

Jailing Truths Exposed*



0474 312 613

0421 332 246

* Jailing Truths Exposed is a 13,000 strong support network of family members of those in prison. It advocates on behalf of prisoners. It is also a source of information to educate the general public about the truth of the prison system.

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