Home Latest News Intervention toll rises, spreads to Sydney

Intervention toll rises, spreads to Sydney

The Northern Territory intervention has been a disaster for the vast majority of Aboriginal people. It’s a grab for Aboriginal lands and the wealth that lies under them.

These are the facts from a female Yolngu elder:

[emphasis]“Police were sent into our communities. We were made to feel like criminals in our own land and we lost all control over our own lives…After five years what do we see? Indigenous imprisonment has risen by 41per cent, school attendance has dropped, the number of children being taken away from home by social services has increased by 38 per cent, cases of self harm and suicide have doubled and our people are dying younger than ever before. Our communities are at breaking point.” [/emphasis]

From ‘Stand for Freedom’ campaign video

And now income management has come to Bankstown. It’s dressed up, like the Intervention, as helping children, but it’s the age old tactic of divide and conquer, which isolates and targets minority groups, blaming them for crises created by the rich and powerful. Enough’s enough.

Find out more: www.standforfreedom.org.au or www.stoptheintervention.org


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