Home Latest News SoE commemorates 166th Eureka Rebellion on Youtube

SoE commemorates 166th Eureka Rebellion on Youtube

Spirit of Eureka commemorated the 166th Eureka Rebellion Anniversary last Sunday, 29th November in an online forum. This recorded video can also be viewed on YouTube.

The focus for this year was, “In the midst of a global crisis it is right to rebel for our rights and liberties”.

The online forum had an exceptional range of speakers who presented insights and reflections on the appalling state of affairs in Australia and around the world.

Alison Broinowski AO  Australians for War Powers Reform
Christy Cain  National President, Maritime Union of Australia
Charlie Joyce   from Spirit of Eureka
Bernard Collaery famous for the secret trial brought against him by the Australian government

Bernard Collaery also was 2020 recipient of the Spirit of Eureka Award

The award was given to him for his courage in standing up and speaking out against injustice as a matter of principle and his unwavering commitment to democratic rights. Particularly exposing the Australian Secret Intelligence Services (ASIS) bugging the East Timorese government during negotiations over East Timor Sea Oil.

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