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Peace Convergence Conference

peace convergence

peace convergence

Peace Convergence Conference organised by the Independent and Peaceful Australian Network
April 20 – 25 2014 Canberra, 2014

IPAN is a network of organisations and peace activists from all regions of Australia who are united by our support for an independent Australian foreign policy based on peaceful resolution of conflicts.

Conference: April 22nd 2014 Canberra
“Towards a Peaceful and Independent Australia”

Prior to the conference IPAN together with Unions ACT will have an Information stall at 18 – 20th April Folk Festival,    contact Kim Sattler

Monday 21st April: IPAN organisations and members strategy meeting in the afternoon venue to be announced.

Tuesday 22nd April: National Peace and Independence Conference (venue to be announced) “Towards a Peaceful Independent Australia”

Wednesday 23rd April: a day to reflect at the Quaker Centre, Silver Wattle. Contact Graeme Dunstan 0407951688 PeaceBus

Thursday 24th April: Planning for Direct Action and
ANZAC Eve Lantern Vigil

Friday 25th April: Supporting the “Frontier Wars” commemorations during ANZAC day
For further details and updates contact Annette Brownlie, 0431597256

The conference includes expert speakers, long time peace campaigners, historians and unionists discussing ways to shape Australian foreign policy towards peaceful, independent goals. Networking with peace groups all over Australia and overseas and direct action along is the aim. Debate in workshops will be on these important issues.

Issues we shall be addressing are:

American Bases, Troops & US Alliance

The US military has massively increased its presence in Australia in a policy known as the Asia Pivot. Find out why and what it means for Australia. Can we do better?

Australia and US data gathering

Edward Snowden’s leaks reveal Australia is embedded deep into the US Surveillance System. Do the costs of this outweigh the benefits? What does it mean for Australian civil rights? How can we repair relations with our neighbours?

Militarism and the Environment

Is terrorism really our biggest security risk? What impact might our military spending and activities have on such issues as Global Warming?

The Economic cost of War and Conflict

Is the money spent on war really worth it? Could less money, spent elsewhere actually increase our security?

A response to the WWI Centenary
Was the conscription debate and ultimate defeat in Australia during world war one more telling of our national character than the invasion of Turkey in 1915?

Conference Program Tuesday 22nd April, 9:00am – 5:00pm Panel Discussions. o

Australian foreign policy in relation to the “US pivot” to the Asia Pacific, foreign bases, troops and aircraft in Australia, Australian involvement in intelligence operations and the “deep state”.

Implications of environmental issues for peace movements around Australia.

The costs of the US-Australian military alliance and an aggressive foreign policy, particularly the costs to working people.

Responses of the peace movement to the current Federal Government promotion of a 4 year celebration of the World War I centenary

Speakers include:
Dr Michael McKinley, ANU: Justin Tutty, Basewatch, Darwin;
Dr Alison Broinowski, Campaign for Iraq War Inquiry; Dr Marty Branagan, Lecturer in Peace Studies; Kim Sattler, Secretary, Unions ACT; Dr David Stephens, Chair, Honest History, ACT; Dr Sue Wareham, Medical Association for Prevention of 
War Vice President. Chair people: Dr Jenny Grounds, MAPW; Humphrey McQueen, Australian historian.

Workshops on the topics detailed above
Poster session – a chance to present your 
ideas in written and graphic form.

We’re interested in building a future for Australia that is peaceful and independent of foreign domination.

We need you, with your passion for peace, skills and experience to join us in Canberra for the 22nd April 2014.

Please fill in and return the registration form today!
Registration Name:_______________________________
Postal Address: ____________________________ __________________________________________
Phone Number: _____________________________
Email: ____________________________________
Are you already involved in one of the IPAN groups? Which group? __________________________________________
Registration: $50 / $25 Concession
Bank transfer BSB 814 282 Acct CUA 0385606 Label the transfer “Your Surname -IPAN”

During the IPAN Conference, we will be having a poster session, where you can display your passion or interest around any of the five topics and interact with passers-by in a non-formal setting.
Would you like to present a poster? …………
If so on what topic? __________________________________________

Please cut off and post or copy and paste and email to: ipan.australia@gmail.com
or: IPAN, c/o PO Box 573, Coorparoo, Qld 4151

IPAN has member organisations in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Hobart and Darwin.

To contact us: Annette Brownlie, 0431 597 256

IPAN email: ipan.australia@gmail.com

Website: http://www.ipan.org.au

Facebook: www.facebook.com/IndependentAndPeacefulAustraliaNetwork
Contact: c/o PO Box 573, Coorparoo, Qld 4151
ph: Annette Brownlie, 0431 597 256

Accommodation options for Canberra are: Booking.com Search for: Canberra, ACT, Australia. Alivio Tourist Park: www.aliviogroup.com.au. Pinnacle Apartments:
www.pinnacleapartments.com.au. Silver Wattle Quaker Centre www.silverwattle.org.au


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