Home Latest News North Korea Peace talks opportunity

North Korea Peace talks opportunity


 This information came from the Independent & Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN)

Letters to PM, Foreign Relations Minister, Shadow Prime Minister and Shadow Foreign Affairs Minister

Following the publication in the press ( SMH 20/10/17) of the letter from the Foreign Relations Committee of the Democratic Republic of North Korea to Parliaments around the world including Australia, there appears to be an opportunity for Australia and other nations to pursue talks with North Korea. IPAN has been urging peace talks rather than confrontation  and escalation on the Korean peninsula and so it is appropriate to send the letters below urging the government and the opposition  to take advantage of this new circumstance and seek peace talks with North Korea and possibly diplomatic representation in North Korea.

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20th October, 2017

The Hon Malcom Turnbull, MP ,

Prime Minster of Australia.

Dear Prime Minister,

The  open letter to the Australia Parliament from North Korea (SMH 20/10/17), IPAN believes, represents a peace opening not to be missed by the Australian Government. The newspaper report suggested it is timely to seek an Australian peace delegation to North Korea and the establishment of an Australian diplomatic presence there. IPAN urges that this peace opportunity  be seized as soon as possible in the interests of peace and security for the Australian people and for the benefit of peace world- wide.

IPAN (The Independent and Peaceful Australia Network) consists of a network of over a 100 peace organisations Australia-wide).

Yours sincerely

Bevan Ramsden

IPAN Secretary

PO Box 573,

Qld, 4151


20th October, 2017

The Hon. Bill Shorten  MP ,

Shadow Prime Minister.

Dear  Mr Shorten,

The  open letter to the Australia Parliament from North Korea (SMH 20/10/17), IPAN believes, represents a peace opening not to be missed by the Australian Government. The newspaper report suggested it is timely to seek an Australian peace delegation to North Korea and the establishment of an Australian diplomatic presence there. IPAN urges that this peace opportunity  be seized as soon as possible in the interests of peace and security for the Australian people and for the benefit of peace world- wide.

IPAN urges that your party uses its best efforts to convince the Australian Parliament and Prime Minster to respond positively in this manner to the North Korean open letter.

IPAN (The Independent and Peaceful Australia Network) consists of a network of over a 100 peace organisations Australia-wide.

Yours sincerely

Bevan Ramsden

IPAN Secretary

PO Box 573,


Qld, 4151

The very successful IPAN National Conference was held in Melbourne 8-10 September 2017

You can listen to the excellent talks at the links below:

Assoc Prof David Vine, American University, Washington (author on US military bases around the world and US foreign policies) –  Impacts of the Global network of US military bases
Dr Alison Broinowski, Vice President of Australians for War Powers Reform –  What would an Independent foreign policy look like
James O’Neill, Barrister –  South China Sea
Prof Richard Tanter, (Nautilus Inst., Melbourne Uni) –  Obstacles to an independent foreign policy
Dr Margaret Beavis, National President, MAPW –  The real costs for Australia of US militarism
Rob Starry, Criminal Defence Lawyer –  Terrorism laws and surveillance
Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, Australian Greens Defence Spokesperson –  The taboo of an Australia Independent of the US
Dr Mike Gilligan, former Defence Dept adviser –  Can Aus defend itself?
Warren Smith, National Assist. Secretary, MUA –  Peace is union business
Sung Hee Choi from Jeju Island, South Korea –  The crisis on the Korean Peninsula
Alex Edney-Browne, Ph D researcher on drones –  military funding unis
Dr Vince Scappatura –  The US lobby in Australia
Olivier Bancoult, indigenous leader from Diego Garcia –  Diego Garcia

and former Senator Scott Ludlam, at the Friday forum

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