Spend $368 billion on health, education, affordable housing and fix the climate crisis!
Not on nuclear submarines and US led war!

Australia wide events and protest actions were held, 14 – 24 March 2024, for Peace, end AUKUS, cancel nuclear submarines and mobilise against war.
The 14th March marks the anniversary of a joint meeting by US President Biden, UK Prime Minister Sunak and Australian Prime Minister Albanese, in San Diego (US), to launch the pathway for Australia’s acquisition of 8 nuclear powered submarines, and pledge the 3 countries’ commitment to the AUKUS military pact.

Shortly after, it was announced Australia would spend $368 billion on these submarines; $368 billion and more to support yet another US led war of aggression, this time with China, and to prop up the US and UK economies; instead of being used to address urgent needs of Australia’s communities, health, housing, education, child care, to alleviate the high cost of living, as well as take action on the climate crisis. Not for US wars.
AUKUS is locking Australia into US global wars, potentially setting off a catastrophic nuclear conflict in our region. This military and political integration into US foreign and military policies has made Australia an accomplice in the genocidal war in Gaza, and a US Deputy Sherrif threatening the peace and security of people and countries in our region.

We call on the Australian Government to:
- cancel nuclear submarines
- quit AUKUS
- end Australia’s involvement in US-led wars
- adopt an independent foreign policy that promotes peace, justice and diplomacy
The acquisition of 8 nuclear submarines is only a part of a much bigger AUKUS war pact integrating Australia into a US global war machine.
AUKUS Pillar 2 will lead to Australia helping the US develop hypersonic missiles under the control of Artificial Intelligence. This will lead to hypersonic nuclear weapons which may be completely placed under the control of artificial intelligence. Australia should refuse to participate in the development of hypersonics and autonomous weapons systems and instead insist that international controls be put on these extremely dangerous technologies.
- risks undermining the Non-Proliferation Treaty to which we are signatory, Increasing tensions with our regional neighbours, including our largest trading partner, China.
- poses a risk to public health and safety, marine life and the environment should a naval reactor accident or radiation incident occur in the nuclear submarines.
- means Australia will need to manage and store all levels of nuclear waste (LLW, MLW and HLW) from Australian nuclear powered submarines and also the operational waste from the US and UK nuclear submarines on rotation at HMAS Stirling as from 2027.
- deadly nuclear waste will likely be stored on the lands of the First Nations people.
- endangers communities in close proximity to HMAS Stirling in WA (where the US and UK nuclear powered submarines, SSNs will be on rotation as of 2027 and 3-5 Virginia class SSNs will be bought from the US and home-ported); Osborne Shipyard in SA where the proposed new SSN-AUKUS submarines are to be built; an east coast port for the nuclear powered submarines (possibly Port Kembla). Should hostilities break out these communities would be in danger from military attack.
- is militarising Australia’s education system and the economy. Weapons corporations (Lockheed Martin, BAE, Boeing, Raytheon,) are embedding in school curriculums, university research, manufacturing and export industries.
- surrenders Australian sovereignty by entrenching Australia into US foreign and military policies and involvement in US driven wars
A war against China, our major trading partner, would have devastating consequences for the Australian community including severe job losses and scarcity of basic living items.
Build a people’s movement against AUKUS and war. Join a local protest, local peace group, write letters to politicians, blitz main stream and social media during the national ten days of action, 14-24 March and beyond.
For more information on local events contact your state – links below; or AAAC national contact:
AAAC national contact | info@antiaukuscoalition.org |
NT (Darwin) | contact@basewatch.org |
QLD (Brisbane) | noaukusqld@gmail.com |
NSW (Sydney) | sydneyantiaukus@gmail.com |
NSW (Newcastle) | hunterpeacegroup.2016@gmail.com |
NSW (Wollongong) | wollongongagainstwarandnukes@gmail.com |
ACT (Canberra) | ipanpeaceact@gmail.com |
VIC (Melbourne) | noaukusvic@gmail.com |
SA (Adelaide) | https://linktr.ee/NoNuclearSubsSA |
WA (Perth) | stopaukuswa@gmail.com |